Hooray for Pre-K
Week of August 26
What we will be learning this week
Colors- Blue
Shapes- Oval (round/not round)
Numbers- 1, 2
Body parts and senses
Please read about the new policy on lunch and sending treats to school below.
Reading every day/night
Reading each day/night to your child is so important. Click on the picture to see just how it will help your child and their success in learning. Bonus: It is great one on one quality time with your child.
Dress Code
Click on the link below to see the entire dress code menu.
If you have a question about clothing...always check the website first. https://www.redoakisd.org/Page/4506
Colors for caring
On the first Wednesday of each month, you may wear a color shirt that helps support a cause that is special to you. You can click on the picture to see colors and what cause the represent.
Classroom activities
Class rules and procedures
Taking turns and sharing
Keeping feet and hands to ourself
Important dates
September 2- Labor Day- no classes
September 4 - colors for caring
Sept. 9-13 - Safety Week - all ROISD schools conducting various drills
September 19- End of 1st six weeks grading period
Sept. 27 - no school
Check our ROISD website and our ROE newsletters for updates. The district calendar has been updated.
Laura Rypple
Laura is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters